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With the loss of peace and war is going on all around the universe, small empires will have to pay more attention towards improving their empire's infrastructure efficiency. There are, in total, 255 known blueprints that will improve the efficiency of any infrastructure. That is why empire leaders will have to decide on which infrastructure type they want to improve on.

For every blueprints researched on, the specific infrastructure will be working 10% more efficiently. With only 255 blueprints available, empire leaders will have to decide wisely on which infrastructure type they want to research. Usually, empires that focus on one or two researches will be better in time.

The blueprints, which were spread out by the United World Council, are all different. Although there are 255 of them, every blueprint will be harder and harder to research on due to the fact that they are encrypted so that the knowledge will not fall into the wrong hands. Before they could send out the decryption code, the leaders of the United World Council were all murdered. That is why, being the only intelligent person in your empire, you will have to spend turns on them to decrypt them yourself. With each blueprint encrypted more secure than the other, you will have to spend more and more turns to decrypt more blueprints. There are no easy shortcuts to this as there are so many languages in the universe you will need to spend turns on them. Being an intelligent leader, you will start off with the easiest encrypted blueprint first working your way from the easiest to the hardest.

Below is the information for the five main researches, which empires can research, on using the blueprints.


Hints!Before you start doing your researches, take a look at your racial modifiers. Figure out which infrastructure research will profit you the most. Plan your researches.

Every race will have its different most profitable means. Focusing research on that will ensure that you make the most for your empire out of every turn. It is advised that you try to focus on only one research and at the max two. This is to ensure a better resource generation outcome. For an example, a Terran who have 20 level research of commercial will definitely make more money than a Terran who have 10 level of research on commercial and 10 levels of Housing.

It is always best to do you researches when you are in protection. Another tip for you is when you are doing your researches, and you are in DP, it is best to disband all your ships to save up money because your ships will use money for upkeeps.

Technology Tree
During the governance of the United World Council, empires did not need to worry about going into war because they were well protected where all those who did not abide by the law would be cast out to the furthest parts of the universe. Ships built from beginning of time for races have been stored in hangars of respective races. The leaders vowed never to use them again because of the peace treaties among the race leaders. These are the leaders who headed the United World Council. However, certain amount of ships were selected and used by the United World Council to fight the outlaws of the universe. The ships kept in the hangars faded to only memories that haunted them about the past wars and all the blood that had been shed.

After all the leaders assassinated, the United World Council's fleets were disbanded. There were no more major fleets. The armies of the United World Council returned to their respective races. With no one to protect them anymore, empires throughout the universe have to be independent now. These empires will need to protect themselves from attacks. The ships from the hangars have been brought out to use. However, the ships have been left in the hangar for too long and they are not functional anymore.

Blueprints for building ships and used by the United World Council are known to all the armies. To build them, you`ll need to research on them by gathering bits and pieces of information of the blueprint from the ex-armies of the United World Council in your empire. All empires know these ships and they are called the "Neutral Ships".

Whereas ships from respective races are used only by that race, some ships are now race specific. That is why different races will have different ships with many different capabilities. To gain the capability to build them again, empire leaders will have to spend time researching the old ships to draw out the blueprints of those ships again. Only with the blueprints redrawn can an empire build those ships again.

Remember, the more ships you have, the more advantages you`ll have against other players because you can choose among a variety of different capability ships to build. It's advised that you research all your ships before you come out of Newbie Protection where other players can attack you.

See races related technology tree: Terran, Aspha Miner,Marauder. Collective, Viral 106 & Guardian.

Projects Research
Other than researching on the technology available to each race, you will be given the option to research on projects. Projects that can give you even more advantages in the game like spying capability, defense, planet exploration and empire/system upgrades. After completing the research for certain projects, you`ll need to go to "Projects" under "Science" to activate it. Remember, you must fulfill the requirements before you can use it.