Wolfren Industries



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To check your Income click on your Credits.

Figure a

Refer to figure b, it is showing the total credits, food and commercial goods in the empire. If credits decrease to negative value, you must try to earn income to increase the credits back to positive value. If the negative value is too high, your empire will go bankrupt. You can do research to increase your credit. Before doing any research to gain more income, you need to make sure the value in demand is lower than the value in supply.

Figure b

In figure c, it is showing the supply and demand of the empire. The value for supply needs to be more than the value for demand. If the value of demand is higher than the value of supply, the amount for that particular item (e.g. food) will decrease when you use turns.

Figure c

Balance Sheet is showing the profit or lost of the empire. It depends on the empire researching which infrastructure. Taxes will increase when population in the system increase. Commerce will increase when planets assigned to commercial in the system increase. Goods increase when the planets assigned to industry in the system increase. Minister is able to assist the empire to gain more taxes, commerce or goods. If debit is higher than credit means that the empire is losing money. If credit is higher than debit means that the empire is gaining profit. The money for taxes, commerce and goods will be in credit and fleet upkeep will be in debit. To calculate profit or lost for the empire is by adding all credits for taxes, commerce and goods then minus credits used for fleet upkeep.

Figure d