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Help Center
Help Center is a place to help you on any problems which are related to UC. You can use simple filter or advanced filter to filter the list.
- Simple filter - You can only choose the category, the post in normal or archive, or sort by date posted or last reply.
- Advanced filter - You can enter which title you want to read, which type of reply you want to read, posted by which empire name or ID that you want to read. You can select 1 option from the list in the advance filter or sort the display according to date posted or last reply. You also can choose only display normal posts or those posts which are already in archive. If someone reply the topic, in the last reply column will display the empire name.
- Disable beeping sound.
Help Center contains 2 sections: 1. Forum 2. Help Center
Forum It contains 4 forums which are General Discussion, Strategy, Wanted and Federation. - General Discussion - You can discuss anything which is related to the game.
- Strategy - You can discuss with other empire any strategy which can make the empire become stronger.
- Wanted - You can post a thread to find your lord or vassal here
- Federation - You can post anything related to federation
Click at `New Thread` then type the title and message to post. You can read the post by clicking on the title. You can reply any topic which is available in the list. You need to enter your message in the text area to reply the post then click at `Post Reply`. Only the creator can close the post by clicking on 'Case Close'. The forum is subject to the same rules as the chat client but will allow some outside links to be posted so long as: They are not offensive or break and code of conduct of Gamestotal.com. They do not contain any malicious coding Eg: virus's key logging software or " RickRolls ".If in doubt ask a game Administrator or Guide for guidance. Help Center It contains Ask, Inbox, Public, Announcements, Updates, Bounty and Top Stats.
- Ask - Choose one of the Question/Message type which is related to what you need to know.
- Inbox - All your post will be store in here
- Public - All posts which are posted by others and you can reply the post.
- Announcements - You can read or reply announcements here.
- Updates - You can read or reply post on updates in UC
- Bounty - Contains some events that will give reward to the player who join the event.
- Top Stats - Contains top statistics for Correct Answers, Most Replies and Most Active in the Help Center
Click at 'Ask' then choose question or message type to post. Type the title and message then select public (everyone can see and reply) or private (Guide, Admin or Stephen can see and reply). You can also select to be notify by pm or email or not to be notify when someone reply your post. You can read the post by clicking on the title. You can reply any topic which is available in the list. You need to enter your message in the text area to reply the post then click at `Post Reply`. Only the creator can close the post by clicking on 'Case Close'.