Wolfren Industries


Game Rules

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Updated Game Rules Here

Why do we have guidelines ?
Guidelines are to ensure a friendly and happy environment for all players. Please follow the rules of the game which apply to all aspects of the game (including game play, conversing with other players, and all other activities) to allow the most enjoyable experience for all of those involved.

Game : Guidelines summary
1. Don't cheat
2. Only 1 account per game speed
3. Don't offend or harass other players

Game : Ethics
1. Be polite and don't lose your cool (temper) if you lose battles
2. Don`t attack empires repeatedly

Game : Cheating
1. Using someone`s* account to induce DP
2. Using someone`s* account to gain planets or resources
3. Purposely transfer ownership* of planets to avoid counters
4. Transferring minerals via the market.
5. Constantly annoy or irritate other players
6. Harass players, guides or admins
7. Exploiting a loophole or bug in the system for personal* gain
8. Hacking, flooding or abusing the game
9. Soft Suiciding used for DPing** someone

* Also applies to members of your Fed/Guild or same accounts on same PC/IP
^ Detailed explanation of terms below
** DPing is defined as the action of hitting someone with minimal damage intended to knock them into Damage Protection

Game : Things to remember
1. No one wins all the time (average ratio is 20-40% win ratio)
2. Like in real-life this game has its ups and downs. If you lose a lot of battles/resources, don't lose heart just build up again, everyone goes through rough patches, it is those who stick around that get stronger.

Chat/Forum/PM/Help Center : Guidelines
1. Do not spam : posting long characters, junks, posting the same message multiple times, ads/selling/marketing/promotion of anything not related to Gamestotal
2. Do not touch or bring up hate, sensitive or inappropriate topics (ex: religions, politics, sexual preferences, or anything that can start a flame war/mass argument)
3. Do not offend, harass or make fun of other players
4. No cursing or swearing, we put in a filter to avoid players `accidentally swear` therefore if you bypass the filter to swear this means you are doing it on purpose (ex: typing in s.w.e.a.r if swear is filtered). Also do not play with the filter on purpose to figure out what words are filtered.
5. No yelling. Completely capitalized words are considered yelling.
6. No posting up rubbish. Do not copy and paste what you see in the game to the chat (paraphrase if you wish to bring up a battle or market posting). Do not use non-standard characters.
7. No posting long strings (do not post lots of numbers/letters without spaces) or stretching the forum/pm/chat. Links of any kind, or words wider than the width of the chat, must be broken up so that they do not stretch the chat.
8. Only type in English on the public chat, if you wish to type in another language you may do so via PM. Do not use any secret code (just use PM).

This is a happy place, so anyone who disturbs the peace, it will be the admins duty to warn or silence everyone who participate (not only the one who starts the topic). If at any time you aren't happy or if you believe you have been wrongfully warned or silenced then report it at `Help Center > Ask > Abuse > Reactivate / Silencing`. Any player who continues to disturb the peace on the chat by complaining or flaming any guide, admin or other players, may result with a deactivation of his/her account.

Breaking the guidelines
Firstly don't be `bad`. Our system have a log that tracks all `bad` records, and this `bad` records last forever in our game. If you have too many `bad` records your account may be permanently deactivated or blacklisted. All admins hope that all the players will learn their lesson (ex: offensive player stop swearing). Below are some of the things that may happen to your account for breaking our guidelines

You will receive a warning for being offensive or cheating. Players who do not listen to warnings will get silenced or deactivated.

You can not post any messages in private message or public chat for the next couple of hours (12-24 hours).
Silencing can not be undone even by admins.

Depending on case to case basis you may receive some form of punishment which ranges from 0 turns for x day(s) to adjustment to your account.

Your account will be temporary deactivated until any outstanding issues has been resolved. Your duty is to post an appeal and to help resolve the issue.

We generally don't do this, unless if the player has a very long history of being `bad` or donation frauds (ex: credit card fraud). You can never login or signup again.

Related topics:
Share PC Rules: Restrictions Tips if you are sharing a PC with someone else
Cheating: What is cheating? Definition of cheating explained here

Detail explanation of cheating terms
Battle arranging rules
Battle Arranging is any situation which violates the following rules via chat post, private message or forum post. It is to prevent empires from gaining an unfair advantage over other empires in battle and all rules still apply even if no advantage is gained.

You may:
1. Indicate your current pr
2. Put a bounty on yourself on the system which has at least 2x as many planets as any other systems.

You may not:
1. Ask for or say you are waiting for DP
2. Ask for an attack on a specific system unless it is a bounty on your main as detailed in number 2 above
3. Ask to be attacked by a specific attack type (invasion, suicide, etc)
4. Specify fleet status (own fleet status, op being received or ask for attack by specific ships)
5. Use code words or phrases to indicate that you want or are waiting for damage protection
6. Outer farm unless you attack the outer system with the highest planets
7. Attack former fed members and your former fed members may not attack you for a period of 7 days once you leave the federation (unless you are attacking the main system)
8. Soft suicide** an outer to give dp

** soft suiciding is attacking with a defensive/production minister and/or defensive fleet purely to cause minimal damage to empire whilst removing tokens

Using someone`s* account to induce DP
Arranging battles with a friend online to:
1. Ensure minimal planet losses before dropping into DP
2. Drop a friend into DP

If you want to help your friend, get him/her to join your fed/vassal/lord and build reinforcements to help defend him, or send tribute resources to him to help build his/her defenses.

Using someone`s* account to gain planets or resources
Arranging battles with a friend online to:
1. Transfer planets by purposely losing a battle (ex: building 1 fodder and asking a friend to attack, term: planet farming)
2. Transfer of ships (for collective & viral capture ability)
3. `Market transfer` resources to a friend

or Logging into someone else`s account by stealing the person`s password to steal his/her game items (planets, resources, etc)

Transferring minerals via the market
You can transfer resources via the Tribute feature. Trying to avoid paying tribute taxes or to send more tribute than you are allowed to, by market transfers is not allowed. (ex: your friend sell mineral at $800 and you buy the mineral and resell it at $200 for your friend to buy then you and your friend keep repeating this, term: market transfer)