Wolfren Industries


Attacking rules

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How Do I...
Q1. Get Started
Q2. Validate My E-Mail?
Q3. Get Out Of Debt
Q4. Restart My Empire
Q5. Get Advanced Scout
Q6. Get Ministers
Q7. Become A Vassal Or Lord
Q8. Join A Federation
Q9. Increase Empire Level
Q10. Increase System Defence

How Do I Get Started?

The best way to get started in the game is to follow the missions.

Mission . Options . Exit --> Top upper left

***HTML Client***
Mission | Options | Logout --> Top upper right

Click on "Mission".
Read the story line and follow the hints to achieve or over achieve each objective. Completing the missions unlock more game features so you can play and do more.

Note: Hovering your mouse over the scrolling mission story line will freeze it so you can read.

How Do I Validate My E-Mail?

When you create your Unification account you enter an e-mail address. A validation code will be sent to your e-mail, to validate simply retrieve the code, and do the following.

Mission | Options | Exit/Logout --> Top of page

Click on "Options".
Click on "Game Account".
Enter the code where it asks for it, and submit.

Unable to receive e-mail validation?
1. Some e-mail providers like,,, and etc auto-rejects all e-mails unless you grant permission to receive e-mail from us.
2. Check your junk mail box or deactivate any anti-spam software you have. Sometimes you may encounter delays of up to 1-3 hours for AOL and Hotmail.
3. If all else fails, contact a game admin via Help Center > Ask > Support > Email Validation and let the admin know your problem. The game admin will manually validate your e-mail.

What is what: All information here is strictly used by the game admins for administrative purposes (like cheat checking, multiple account handling, organizing tournaments and etc) with the exception of Empire name.
Real name
We have a 1 game account per game speed policy, and our game admins constantly searches the game for players who do not abide by this rule and for fake accounts (some players simply signup rubbish/fake accounts). Generally the admin will refer to your real name to judge if its the same person playing 2-3 game accounts or a rubbish/fake account, therefore accounts with non-real like names will risk deactivation. To change this, send a PM to an admin.
Email address
For security and verification reasons the game admins will only entertain request if it originates from this game account e-mail address.

How Do I Get Out Of Debt?

First off, don't panic, do the following to get out of debt.
1. Stop using turns.
2. Disband all fleets in systems and outposts.
3. Go to the market and place what you can for sale. (place items cheaper then current to ensure a quick sale)
4. Wait for your items to sell and show up in your credit reserves.

I have sold what I can and I am still in debt, what do I do?
Even though you are still in debt after selling things in the market, there are still a couple of options left.
1. If you have a Lord, you can ask he/she to send you credits to help you get out of debt.
2. If you do not have a Lord see if someone is willing to take you as a vassal and help you out of debt.
3. Try to find someone who can use artifacts on you to increase your credit reserves.

If you have tried all of these options, and are still in debt an unable to make a profit every turn, unfortunately, the only option is to restart your empire.

How Do I Restart My Empire?

Mission . Options . Exit/Logout <---- Top of page

Click on "Options"
Click on "Restart"
Choose the race you would like to play. (paid accounts can choose any race, if required missions are completed)
Reallocate your research level.
Enter your password.
Click on "Confirm Restart".
Log out and back in to ensure everything has restarted correctly.

What happens when I restart my empire?
Restarting your empire is a big step, it can be done when you have gone too far into debt to get out, or when you would like to change race or a fresh start with the same race.
Restarting an empire starts you fresh, the only thing that you get to keep from your old empire is 20% of your credits, food and consumer goods, as well as all your infrastructure research, artifacts and ministers.
You will lose all ore, raw material, minerals, projects, technology tree, ships, systems and planets.

How Do I Get Advanced Scout?

To get the Advanced Scout you have to research all the Terran Hulls, small, medium, and large, then you can research advanced scout.

How Do I Get Ministers?

To get ministers you need to have a Minister's Office project. To get this project you have to research "Mega Projects" in technology tree, then research Minister's Office. After that go to "Projects", there you will have to invest the required amount of turns and credits to activate your Minister's Office. Once activate you can hire ministers.

How Do I Improve My Ministers
A good and skillful minister will help increase productivity and increase the ships strength in the system. When you hire a minister it will come with 4 traits. Some traits will help your empire while some traits will not. To get new trait, improve the trait or remove the trait you will have to invest credits or turns in Minister's Training.

How Do I Become A Vassal Or Lord?

A vassal is an empire that has been vassalized by another empire. The other empire would be that vassal's Lord. Being vassalized can be helpful in many ways. A Lord can send reinforcement ships to help defend in battle as well as credits, food, or honors to a vassal in need. Lord's will often help their vassal's any way they can, a strong vassal is valuable to a Lord, as the stronger the vassal the more it helps the Lord build their empire .

How Do I Become Someone's Vassal Or Lord?
To become someone's vassal, he/she must first search your empire using Intel, then click on your name and the option to "Vassalize". This will send you an invitation. You will then click on the Lord link and accept the offer. Do the same thing to become someone's lord.

How Do I Free Myself From My Lord?
In order to free yourself from your Lord you need to have sufficient honors. To see how many honors are required, click the Lord link. At the bottom of the screen it will show you how much you need. Once you have sufficient honors click on "Declare independence".

How Do I Apply To Join A Federation?

Hover over Manage Empire > Hover over Diplomacy > Click on Federation (Clan)

***HTML Client***
Click on Federation (Clan) located on bottom left hand side.

Click on "Federation List" to view the list of current federations, click on the name of the federation you wish to join then click on "Enter this Federation".
This sends an application to the federation which the federation leader can either accept or deny.
Sending a PM to the federation leader to remind him of your application will hurry the process.

Note: It may take some time because the federation leader needs to get the application and may not be online at the time you send the application. (especially on the Daily and Hourly)

How Do I Increase Empire Level

Factors that affect empire level:

1. Planet count.
2. Population count.
3. Vassals planet and population count.
4. Paid accounts receive an additional +1 to their empire level.

Empire levels are worked out by the total combination of planets and population that you and all of your vassals have.

Empire levels are laid out as follows:

Level 1 : 0
Level 2 : 1,000
Level 3 : 5,000
Level 4 : 10,000
Level 5 : 50,000
Level 6 : 100,000
Level 7 : 500,000
Level 8 : 1,000,000
Level 9 : 5,000,000
Level 10 : 10,000,000
Level 11 : 50,000,000
Level 12 : 100,000,000
Level 13 : 500,000,000
Level 14 : 1,000,000,000
Level 15 : 5,000,000,000
Level 16 : 10,000,000,000

How Do I Increase System Defence

System defence is affected by a number of things:

1. More Systems
Creating another system will give each system below it an additional defence bonus based on the system type. Generally, this is only a bonus of 1 for each system above it but certain systems such as Dark increase it by more. The amount dependent on the level of the system.

2. Upgrading Systems
Upgrading systems give better defence in some cases. Read the manual on System List for more details on the defence points of each system.

3. System Defence Projects
The System Defence Projects add points of defence to each system. However the addition points is not cumulative. Only the project with the highest bonus will be applied at any one time.

System defence increases the hull of your ships in that system by the given percentage. However without ships it amounts to nothing.
System defence will also decrease the chances of being successfully sabotaged by another player.