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What is this ?
We have players saying that many things is not cheating, and they do not know what is cheating. What we can say in short is cheating is an unfair way of gaining an advantage by using trainers/software/hacks, exploiting bugs, loop holes or even features in the game for personal gain.

A player will enter Damage Protection after a minimum of 4 successful hit. This is made so that the players with higher combat (stacking) skills will gain more planets than losing it. Any other means or ways to indult or to get one self in DP to avoid losing planets can be classified as cheating. This includes asking friends, federation members or having another account attacking you to transfer valuable planets away in case you get attacked, or to put you in DP so you will not lose valuable planets. Also the transfer of resources from a richer or more powerful empire to a newer or poorer empire to make one party stronger is cheating as well.

Also bear in mind that this is to act as a guideline, not a law book. This is to guide you, trying to make you understand what is cheating, therefore if someone can think of a newer way to cheat which is not included here doesn't mean the admins will not take action against the person.

Why are we catching cheaters
All honest players who does not cheat will leave the game if there is rampant cheating. This has been observed in many other popular and large games such as Diablo2, LineageII & Ragnarok. So far most of the reviews I have read online shows the biggest complain which have a 95% chance of driving players away is bots and cheating (this is what I read through many many reviews, don`t sue me for it). This is why it is our duty to ensure only those with the best combat skills and experience will have an edge in this game as it should. Playing a game on an overall is to improve your game skills not finding better bots or better cheats.

Just like in life there is no shortcuts, hard work will get you some where and if you can think of a good shortcut then its most likely cheating. For an example: have a friend transfer 100 billion credits to a new player. This is cheating because it would be unfair to other new players as it may take weeks or months to build up that much amount of credits for new players. It is fair if the new player plays 24 hours a day to achieve that amount of credits even in a couple of days (I personally know someone who actually got billions in 3-4 days)

Guidelines on what is defined as cheating
- Having more than 1 account on the same game speed
- Using scripts/software/bots to automatically play the game for you
- Abusing and exploiting a bug/error/loophole in the system for personal gain
- Transferring planets, ships or resources from someone to yourself and vice versa
- Inducing DP from someone to yourself and vice versa
- Logging into other players account for personal gain
- More than 1 player taking turns playing the empire who has activated the Overmind Project
- Spamming/flooding the server to disrupts normal server operations for personal gain

Example 1
Yes we know every one who uses the market exchange resources not transfer them. Please also use common sense, for example: if someone sells to you minerals at a low price and you sell the same minerals back at a high price is a clear example of cheating.

Example 2
Yes we know that every one can post stuff in the market, it is a feature. However if you were to post 10,000 individual post of 100 units of minerals at a very low price to kill off other players which depends on the market for money, is cheating. It is clear that this has been done to disrupt normal server operations of the market so others will not be able to buy or sell. Players however are allowed to sell cheap minerals at 9,999,999 units. If you wish to lower the price, then try to post up a few billion worth of minerals.

What is not cheating
- Asking someone to attack other players so they can't attack you
- Asking someone to attack other players who has retal on you so they can`t retaliate you
- Using good artifacts on yourself, friends or federation members (as long as they do not share the same PC or IP as you). This can be done to help newer or poorer players.
- Sharing artifacts, stacking and other info among someone
- You can build your PR higher to discourage others from attacking you or when performing a retal attack

Related topics:
Share PC Rules: Restrictions Tips if you are sharing a PC with someone else

DP = Damage Protection
PR = Power Rating
Bots = Software robots which plays the game for the player
someone = can be a federation member, friend, family member, those using the same PC or IP as you or yourself.