Wolfren Industries


Battle Records

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Battle Records

You can view details of other empire by clicking at . It is link to Intel page. At the top of the empire records, you can contact, send tribute or attack that empire. You can click at the contact to send private message to that empire. You can click at the tribute to send food or credits to that empire. You can click at the attack to attack that empire.

Attacker means the empire who attack other empire. Defender means the empire who attack by other empire. The battle result will be display at the Outcome column and the Pr during the time the battle took place.
The battle result is categorized in 4 type:

  • Win - You are the defender and win in the battle
  • Win with numbers of planet - You are the attacker and win in the battle
  • Lost - You are the attacker and lost in the battle
  • Lost with numbers of planet - You are the defender and lost in the battle

If you are in a federation, you are allowed to check who was attacked your federation mate. With paid account, you can use the filter function to search for retaliation.

p = planets win / lost

A List of battle record of paid account:

A List of battle record of normal account:

see also: