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  Improve - UC Port  

UC Port Launch Details

Architecture / Infrastructure
UC has been ported off of its 20 year old outdated architecture to modern systems. It`s now running on the Lucee Engine and the database has been updated to the newest version of MariaDB.

For the player, this should come across in terms of far less server issues, faster page load times and a much smoother experience all around. Things that previously took minutes or hours to update should now mostly be instant.

Active Support / Development
UC is now being actively supported and developed by the staff here at Wolfren Industries. Admins and mods are back on the clock making sure everything is going well, running events and keep cheaters in check.

Development is also resuming on a major overhaul/update for UC to bring the game fully into the future, including a mobile version and new in-game features. More details to come on this shortly.

We will be doing some minor updates in the mean time to help improve gameplay in a more immediate fashion.

Edited by Renegade on 2020-03-18

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